Sunday, June 28, 2009

Toldin Dogs in the ribbons on Sunday!

On Sunday, we had some more ribbons!

"Kiki" Toldin's Kissed by the Sun Tula/Sunny litter
At Bell Vernon Kennel Association all breed dog show, June 27& 28. Held in Mt. Vernon, WA KiKi took BOS today, June 28th from Judge Judy A. Harrington over a National Championship winner bitch special! We are so trilled for Cindy and Bob and of course Kiki! Kiki was owner handled in these shows by Bob Brewster. This is awesome!
Formal show picture is coming up, this is informal picture of Kiki and Bob.

Toldin's Daring to Dream FDJ

(Kyra/Regis litter)
went Best of Opposite Sex and Best of Winners
at the Sporting Dogs Specialty on Sunday under
the judge Mr. Michael Falkner, VA USA
for his second Major, this time 4 points!

"Csilla" - Toldin's Dances In The Light
(Dexter's sister)

Won the Winner's Bitch again at the Dorchester Sporting Specialty
to Dexter's BOS/BOW

Here are some pictures from the show on Picasa

Sporting Spec June28 09

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Toldin Dogs in the ribbons on Saturday!!!!!

We do not have any pictures yet, but we have news! Clean sweep of classes at
the Sporting Specialty in Dorchester:

Today, Saturday, June 27th at the
Southwestern Ontario Sporting Dog Club SPECIALTY....
under the Quebec Judge Jean Louis Blais

BBE win - Best of Winner/ Winners Bitch
Toldin's Dances In The Light "Csilla"
3 point Major

Best of Opposite Sex/Winners Dog
Toldin's Daring To Dream "Dexter"
3 point Major

BBE win - Reserve/Winners Dog
Toldin's Dances with Huns "Hunor"

Respectable showing
(free stacking marvel! :)
Toldin's Here Comes The Sun "Ringo"

We can't me more proud of all of our entries and respectable showing in the Sporting Specialty. Best of Breed was taken by owner/handler Mary Ellen Harvey with her bitch. I was so intend on watching Dexter and Hunor fly around the ring and then Csilla performing after a long pause due to injury to be awarded Best of Winners, I didn't even think of taking pictures. Official pictures coming soon. :)

Martha and Frank

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Way to Go Frank and Hunor

Toldin's Dances With Huns

(Kyra/Regis - born Feb 28/2007)

We have to brag that on Saturday, Frank and Hunor beat Group Placing Specials bitch and won Best of Breed from Bred By class under judge Mr. Lester Mapes.
Lester Mapes is a movement judge and in the group he didn't pick only handlers, he gave the group win to the owner/handled Weim bitch, - and Grp 3rd to owner handled GSP. It was good to see. We were very proud of the way Frank and Hunor showed and everyone thought he looked great and commented on his muscles and movement. Way to Go Frank and Hunnie! It was raining cats and dogs during the show and also when we were taking this picture, it was pretty wet. When the photographer gave me this picure today, he said that Mr. Mapes and Frank are blue, because of the rain. I didn't argue much, who cares about that, as long as the dog looks good! *smile*

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Congratulations to Greg and ZiZi on 4 pnt Major!

Toldin's ZiZi Over The Top JH
Born Feb 28/07 to Silken and Regis
Informal picture of Greg and ZiZi at the show today for the Best of Winners!

Today at Clackamas Kennel Club show in Canby, Oregon, Zizi handled by her owner Greg Dutson got 4 point Major and Best of Winners under judge Dr. Michael T. Manning! Congratulations Greg and Dennise on your win. We are so proud of you guys, owner-handling ZiZi in show and field and doing so great!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

***New Field Dog Junior - Balzac***

Toldin's Silk Weaver FDJ
Silken/Regis boy - Born Feb 28, 2007

"Hi Martha and Frank,
You will be happy to know that Balzac has completed his FDJ this week-end! He got his first leg June 6 (100%), his second leg June 7 (100%) and the last one June 13 (98%) for a total score of 298/300. Now, that's over...we are getting back in the field with our friend Jacques Carrier to train for FD!

I had some very great comments from the judges here in Quebec...One of them told me
that it was the first vizsla in Quebec that he saw perform well in the field!" Email from Owner/Handler - Dominique Langlois

Congratulation Dominique and Balzac on the titles and with such fantastic scores! Wow! 100, 100, 98!
Silken and Regis are v
ery proud of you!

Frank and Martha and all at Toldin

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

***Announcing Toldin's New Champion***

"DIVA" CH Toldin's Shooting For The Stars FDJ
(Tula and Sunny Boy, born Oct/07)

"Diva took BOW on Saturday for a 3 pnt major (7 dogs)! What a nice finish to her championship.
The judge was Ed Wild. She showed beautifully (after wrestling with me just one last time before her first "stack"...little bozo!) But she moved great on Saturday. I know she's moving well when I can just give her the lead and let her sail." (Erin Neal, owner/handler of Diva)

We are just so proud of Erin for handling Diva to her Championship and finishing in grand style!

Congratulations! Way to Go!

All of us at Toldin!


CH Piroska Toldin's Shooting Star SH

( Toldi/Pele 4th Edition Born June 29, 2006 )

Here is Email from Lexi's owners Ken and Joan Hunter. I want to post full text about what Ken wrote about her. Lexi is going to be 3 years old on June 29 and she is already Senior Hunter and working on her Master Hunter! That is awesome on many levels. Shows not only great hunting ability, but also the dedication of her owners. We are so proud of Lexi and thank Ken and Joan for letting her shine in the show ring and in the field.

Dear Hilarie, Barrie, Frank and Martha,

I am pleased to be able to report that Lexi completed her requirements this Saturday for her Senior Hunter title. This has been a very strange season for hunt tests this spring. All of the tests scheduled for March and April were snowed out. It seemed every Friday we would get a vicious snow storm with heavy snow. The tests were either canceled or rescheduled for later into the spring. So we ended up running in mid May and early June.

Lexi is living up to her potential. She has a lot of natural ability in the field. She received mostly nines and a few tens on each of her four legs. At one of her tests she found five birds in the bird field. She easily exceeded the requirements for passing. In four of the six areas they score, Lexi is performing at the Master level. We need to keep working on her retrieve so that it is absolutely to hand. They are very particular about that out here and will not pass any dog at the Master level that is not bringing the bird back to hand and holding it until commanded to release. I have even seen judges fail dogs if they drop the bird and pick it back up and continue to bring it in. But there is no doubt that Lexi has the ability to earn her Master title. That is the goal and we will continue to work on it. Everyone out here is now out of birds so it will be a month or so before we can continue her training to get her ready for the fall hunt tests.

The last leg on Saturday was run in particularly difficult conditions. The wind was blowing very hard and the cover was waist high in some areas. They were planting Quail which were nestled down deep and therefore hard to scent. Many dogs went birdless. Only 3 out of 8 Seniors passed. On of those three was our Lexi to finish her fourth leg.

I have attached a few pictures of Lexi in the field. I have many more pictures and in a day or so will have some that were actually taken of her in her final hunt test leg. I think if you saw her you would be proud of her. I know we sure are. She is a beautiful girl with the sweetest temperament. She is just a pleasure to live with and to have in our home. At the end of the day, all the titles are nice but what is really important is that she has a kind and loving nature with a heart as big as Montana. There is not a single day that goes by that we do not say how very lucky we are to have our Lexi.


Sunday pictures from Kristin and Paul's visit

I am doing so well today! Here are pictures from Sunday of both litters. Kristin and Paul visited and stayed for dinner, we sure loved to have them and puppies were cuddles and kissed a lot. So did Silken, she has occupied Paul and Kristin's laps for most of the time they were sitting down.
Both litters June14

New Picture of Puppies are up

Here are latest pictures from Saturday. Hunnie was trying to help us with Tula's pups and was cleaning them, licking them and introducing them to their uncle. He is very gentle boy. Toldi and Silken met the puppies also, Fame and Tula didn't mind them, but won't have anyone else from their gang go into the whelp room. We also have some fun pictures of Tula and Enzo. Frank went into the room and noticed that Tula is playing with Enzo (she plays with all the puppies) but we had a camera handy, so there are some pictures of Tula and Enzo at the end of their album. Puppies had visitors on Sunday, Kristin and Paul so we will be posting more pictures during today. Watch for email!

TulaBudhaPups Jun13 09

Fame Nelson pups June 13

Friday, June 12, 2009

Congratulations to Aspen and Judy!

Today, Aspen - Toldin's Finding The Dream has won her first show point at the show in Idaho.
Aspen is being handled for Dr. David Williams by Judy Campbell, Budha's owner. Judy has done a such a great job of training Aspen and showing her! Aspen went WB/BOW/BOB today! Judge has some nice things to say about our girl Aspen. Great going Judy and thank you!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Finally! Tula and Budha Web Page is UP!

Finally, the web page for Tula/Budha litter is up on the website.
You will find weight charts, information on parents, pedigree of the puppies and also links to all the picture albums, if you want to re-visit them and see how they are growing.

Hope you like it! Click here to go the web page!

Have a great day!


Finally! Fame a Nelson's puppy Web Page is UP!

Hi guys,

it took me longer than usual to make up separate web page for both litters. I am still working on Tula/Budha litter, but I have finished Fame's. It has all the information and pictures in one place, if you missed any of them or want to see them again. Also, there are useful links on the left side of the page. Links to picture albums are on the page also and the weight charts as well.

Click here to go to Fame/Nelson litter page.

Tula/Budha page will be up soon also.


Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Martha's Picasa Web Album - Fame Nelson Puppies Week2

Here they are, pictures on Picasa for Fame and Nelson puppies doing the "get out of the pie plate" and off the wet towel exercises. They are can see, some partially on Sunday. Today, all of them see on both eys and soon they will be running around the whelp box.
The pictues are starting with a puppy on the blanket and each series ends with portrait. There are also 3 videos of couple of puppies crawling around. They are sure growing. I have put up their webpage with the weight charts and will send you link soon.

You are invited to view Martha's photo album: FameNelsonPuppiesWeek2
Jun 9, 2009
by Martha
If you are having problems viewing this email, copy and paste the following into your browser:
To share your photos or receive notification when your friends share photos, get your own free Picasa Web Albums account.

Invitation to Picasa Web Album - Tula Budha 1week Jun7

Here are the pictures of Tula and Budha babies at week one. They all did great on trying to get out of the pie plate and sure took off fast off the wet towel. We took lots of pictures, so you can enjoy seeing them. They start with their ribbon on the table and each puppy's picture set ends with the portrait. In the pictures they are not crying but trying you yawn and I am not holding them by their paws, but securely under their arms and back. I know on some pictures it looks like that. Enjoy!

Frank & Martha Lacko
Toldin Reg'd Vizslas
"Home of Top Champion Vizslas"
Our pictures - albums & videos of our dogs and puppies:

You are invited to view Martha's photo album: TulaBudha1weekJun7
Jun 8, 2009
by Martha
If you are having problems viewing this email, copy and paste the following into your browser:
To share your photos or receive notification when your friends share photos, get your own free Picasa Web Albums account.

Sunday, June 7, 2009


Senya and Stefanie have done it again!

Also, at the same show our
Rosie, Toldin's Moonlight and Roses, owned by Marilyn Fox in California, showed well for 2nd place in her first show at just over 6 months old and Aspen, Toldin's Finding The Dream owned by Dr. Dave Williams in Utah and handled by Judy Campbell (Thank you!) has also placed well in 2nd, 3rd place in the show and we are very proud of all 3 girls that represented Toldin really well in Vallejo, but understandably very proud of Senya! Yipee! Martha and Frank


Toldi/Jas puppy born April 7, 2008
on her Winners Bitch at the Vizsla Club of Northern California
Specialty on Saturday, June 6th at Vallejo, CA
for her second Major, a 5 Point! in a large entry and from 12-18 Class!

We are so proud of this Toldi and Jas girl!

This picture is from her first 4 Point Major, WB/BOW, BOS at Santa Clara show previously.
Official Specialty picture is coming soon, Stefanie promised!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

New Pictures of Tula's pups are up

Sorry gang, had to go to bed at 2 am and it was still loading. There is a video too so it takes time.
I think I will be posting videos on YouTube from now on, it is easier. Both sets of puppies are dong great.
Here is the link to Tula puppies pictures::

New pictures of Fame's pups

We have posted new pictures on Picasa albums of the Fame's brood.
They are 1 week old on those pictures. I am sorry about some of them being out of focus and also the blue towel on the scale did not work for the camera. Will be careful next time: Click on the link to go to picture of Fame and Nelson 2 weeks old. Tula's is coming up in about an hour.
Frank and Martha Lacko
Toldin Reg'd Vizslas
"Home of Champions" and The Grand Champion,
"Toldi" MBISS GCh, Am/Can CH Bajnok Dances with Falcons, FD, JH, CGN