Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Invitation to Picasa Web Album - Tula Budha 1week Jun7

Here are the pictures of Tula and Budha babies at week one. They all did great on trying to get out of the pie plate and sure took off fast off the wet towel. We took lots of pictures, so you can enjoy seeing them. They start with their ribbon on the table and each puppy's picture set ends with the portrait. In the pictures they are not crying but trying you yawn and I am not holding them by their paws, but securely under their arms and back. I know on some pictures it looks like that. Enjoy!

Frank & Martha Lacko
Toldin Reg'd Vizslas
"Home of Top Champion Vizslas"
Our pictures - albums & videos of our dogs and puppies: http://toldin.smugmug.com

You are invited to view Martha's photo album: TulaBudha1weekJun7
Jun 8, 2009
by Martha
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