Tuesday, June 16, 2009

New Picture of Puppies are up

Here are latest pictures from Saturday. Hunnie was trying to help us with Tula's pups and was cleaning them, licking them and introducing them to their uncle. He is very gentle boy. Toldi and Silken met the puppies also, Fame and Tula didn't mind them, but won't have anyone else from their gang go into the whelp room. We also have some fun pictures of Tula and Enzo. Frank went into the room and noticed that Tula is playing with Enzo (she plays with all the puppies) but we had a camera handy, so there are some pictures of Tula and Enzo at the end of their album. Puppies had visitors on Sunday, Kristin and Paul so we will be posting more pictures during today. Watch for email!

TulaBudhaPups Jun13 09

Fame Nelson pups June 13

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