Sunday, May 31, 2009

Tula did it! 3 girls 4 boys!

MAY 31/2009 - 3 GIRLS 4 BOYS!

Tula labored for many hours, she took her time between puppies 1 1/2-2hours), but this morning we have beautiful litter of 7! To her credit, the first boy puppy was big at 17 1/2 oz and the rest were all normal size all 14 -14.5 oz. They are all doing well.
Judy has spent all night with us in Utah, her and Budha were our virtual (phone, messages and computer) support it was a rough night and I will write more later, here are at least few picture for you.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Tula's Update - Countdown 7;20 pm

Tula's update: Temperature went down to 97.8 and now is back to 98.3 so slowly climbing back up. I sincerely think she will have her puppies during the night. She didn't eat her dinner, only ask for it to turn her nose on duck and rice combo, which is very uncharacteristic of her. I think she just wanted to tell us that it is starting. She is very restless and puppies are moving around. The whelp room is ready and I will try to hook up the web cam for Judy, Lane and Budha. Judy wrote that he is sticking to her like glue today, so he must recevied ESP communications from Tula that it is time! :) Well, next time I post, I hope I will have more "interesting" to report.

Signing off for tonight and settling down with Tula in the whelp room,


Tula / Budha Down to the wire!

We are now on alert for Tula / Budha pups!

Tula's picture about 15 minutes ago.

Tula's temperature went down at 9 am this morning to 98.3 F from her normal temp. of 99.9 so we are starting our watch. She is restless and is trying to make a den out of our bed, she is panting a bit at times and sticking to me like glue (aside from trashing the bed, she did that on her own -:) Usually, the whelping starts about 12 - 24 hours from the temp. drop, so we are waiting. She ate in the morning and had a small snack at noon. I think later on tonight we maybe blessed with puppies. Here is the picture of her sitting by the dinning room table. Frank also snapped one picture of Nancy and me from tails night and as you can see, we do not look happy at all, but the tails are nice and you don't want to deal with torn dewclaw, believe me, so they are necessary to do.

I will post any news, just thought I would let you know to be on alert for updates.

Tails and dewclaws on Fame/Nelson pups by Dr. Nancy on Thursday night.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Puppy Update - Day 3

Good morning on Friday! Here is the latest.
Dr. Nancy came out last night and we did the tails and dewclaws. I think they look great. We measure and measure, but then we look at see what looks the best. They all gained weight again and we now have three of them over a pound, Miss Orange is leading with 1.325 lbs, Miss Red at 1.0 lb. and Mr. Blue who is 1.25 lbs. They will all even out later on, in my experience. We have a line chart, but I can't figure out how to put it up on the blog as a PDF so it has to wait for the Puppies web page that is being worked on. They are eating, sleeping and moving around with amazing speed. Fame is always trying to get them into a bundle, but they do move around the whole whelp box and some of them are really adept at covering the distance using their legs already. They will be walking in no time.

I tried working on their web page last night after Dr. Nancy left, but I laid down with Tula for just a few minutes...... it stretched to all night. Frank took over everything and I woke up at 8 am with Tula and Silken snuggled up against me. I really needed that sleep, I guess after a certain age, all nighters are a no, no. LOL Since we will have to pull more of them this weekend with Tula, we need to catch and get some z's.

Later, some more pictures.

Have a great weekend, it is shaping up wonderful weather wise.


Thursday, May 28, 2009

Puppy Pictures are up - Day 2

Since I am sitting here at 3 am, I may as well be doing something useful. We have taken loads of pictures of puppies today at weigh time (they all gained 2+ oz. and two of them are over a pound now, Mr. Blue and Miss Orange (in picture lt. green or lime). I am doing a chart to put on the website to track their weights. Here is the link to smugmug to view the Day 2 album, click here.
Please let me know, if smugmug is too slow, I can also start posting our albums to Picasa. You can download that software it is very good to work with.
I hope that you also enjoyed reading the horoscopes. How cool is that? Well, off to bed for an hour, take care... Can't wait to get my revenge on all you sleepy heads, after you bring the puppy home... at night in the crate..... hey, it's not that bad... LOL

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Horoscope for Fame/Nelson Puppies

Those dogs born on MAY 26

You are light-hearted, exuberant and fond of fun. You like people around you; like to please them and are enthusiastic over new friends. Sometimes passionate and excitable, you are friendly, irresistible and lovable. Do not allow your home situation to worry you; it will improve shortly. Use your natural caring abilities to relive stress or anxieties. You like to familiarize yourself with new situations before moving forward. What you lack in courage you make up for in enthusiasm. Love, affection and stability are your foundation. Those born in January, April, May and December will give you the relationship you need. Year 2009 was made for you - you will be happy!


Horoscope came from Mystic Dog. 
Is this not fun?



Frank & Martha Lacko
Toldin Reg'd Vizslas
"Home of Top Champion Vizslas"
Our pictures - albums & videos of our dogs and puppies:

Another, maybe better link to pictures

Sorry guys, I think this is going to be better link. If you get the one picture and all other dimmed, just click on close and it will display the whole album. If you want to try another album, here is the new link that smugmug gave me.

click here for the link I hope this one works! Sorry.


New - Pictures of Puppies taken last night

Here are pictures of the puppies taken last night, just go to SmugMug album with enclosed link.
You can choose to watch the slide show or just picture by picture.

Go to the SmugMug pictures - click here



Correction on Brinkworth pups

I must be sleepy. Barrie pointed out that had the same, 6 girls and 1 boy! Sorry Barrie.


So, we have 7, the final girl at 11:44 last night was it. Dr. Marshall was spot on calling for 7 on the X-rays. Fame and puppies are dong great and we will be posting more pictures soon.
What is it with the girl power lately? Barrie and Hilarie's Pistil just had 5 girls and 1 boy! :) Fame had some milk inducer (evaporated milk, egg and honey) not that she needed it, her milk started right away and is plentiful. Frank cooked some chicken and both, Fame and Tula ate a good breakfast. It is always so stressful, when they don't want to eat after birth, so we get ready with specials, before they go back to their regular food. It worked!

Tula is also doing well and is conserving her energy for Sunday.

Silken is doing very well and looks like all has healed.

Frank and I are tired, but happy, we hope to catch up on our sleep today.



Frank & Martha Lacko
Toldin Reg'd Vizslas
"Home of Top Champion Vizslas"
Our pictures - albums & videos of our dogs and puppies:

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

First pictures of the puppies

Introducing Fame/Nelson puppies

We have a lift off!
Puppies were born today, May 26th.
6 girls - 1 boy (so far)

Fame started at 10:07 p.m. and the 7th puppy (a girl) was born at 11:44 p.m.
so she  managed to fit them in May 26th, I predicted May 27. It was close.
She did a great job and right now, we are waiting, if she gets up and eats her ice cream, or have another puppy. We saw 7 on the X-Ray so that maybe it for Fame.
They are all beautiful, lively and weigh from 9 oz to 15 3/8 for the Light blue boy.
Here are some of the first pictures.

What a girl, no midnight oil for her!

I will post all the pictures to the smugmug later on tonight.

Martha and Frank

Frank & Martha Lacko
Toldin Reg'd Vizslas
"Home of Top Champion Vizslas"
Our pictures - albums & videos of our dogs and puppies:

Fame Update - Wait has started

Fame had a restless night and didn't eat anything this morning. Temperature at 6 am was 98.4 as oppose to 99.9 all week, so the wait is almost over. She lost her "plug" this morning at 7 am and although I have tried to entice her to have couple of spoonfuls of cottage cheese - she refused. She is nesting in the whelp room and has re-arranged all of the towels and blankets into a big mess in the middle. Her temperature is going up, it is now 99.0 and she is pacing and wanting to go out. We expect the arrival of the puppies within 24 hours. We will know more, if her water brakes and I will update you on that as soon as it happens.

Boy oh, boy, why didn't I catch up on my sleep when I had the chance? LOL

Tula is doing well, she is laying on the carpet in the kitchen watching the counter with the cottage cheese in the bowl on top of it. LOL
Tula is eating maybe 5 times a day now and always seem hungry. That's the last week of puppies growth, she gets all she wants.

Talk to you all soon!

Frank & Martha Lacko
Toldin Reg'd Vizslas
"Home of Top Champion Vizslas"
Our pictures - albums & videos of our dogs and puppies:

Monday, May 25, 2009

Good news!

Well, we did X-Ray on Fame and Tula on Thursday and we saw 7 puppies on Fame's very clearly.
Since Tula is going to have puppies about 5 days later, we saw for sure 6 and maybe more.
Keep your fingers crossed, we are now on alert watch for Fame!

Frank & Martha Lacko
Toldin Reg'd Vizslas
"Home of Top Champion Vizslas"
Our pictures - albums & videos of our dogs and puppies:

Toldinka 4th in Spring Field Tests! Czech Republic

Congratulations to Toldinka!
(Toldinka after the test. She is posing with her hunting friends. Pointers, eh? Cool Vizsla!)

Zuzka Sedlakova called from the Czech Republic that Toldinka has iced her Spring Field Test (jarni zkousky) . She finished 4th from 12 pointing dog entry. Zuzka said that Toldinka is awesome on retrieve, she retrieves without fail and brings birds, hares (huge rabbits), fox and ducks. After she does the Fall Tests (pozdimni zkousky) and if she qualifies, she will be approved for breeding. She is going to have all her heath checks, of course as well. The Breeder committee has to approved dog for breeding in the Czech republic. (Food for thought!) Zuzka says she has matured really well and she is expecting to finish her European show championships, in spite of her cropped tail. (Note: I can't believe that judges would fault a dog for cosmetic alteration which has nothing to do with structure and movement, but they do.) All dogs in the shows in Europe have their natural tail.

We are so proud of this Kyra and Regis daughter. Her brother Hunor and younger sister Csilla are very proud of her.

We have so many picture of her brother Hunor with the same under lip, it is so funny how the sibblings not only look alike, but have same habbits. Congratulations to Zuzka on the birth of her son Vaclav (Vasicek) named after former President and writer, Vaclav Havel (maybe not), he is such a sweet baby. Toldinka likes to baby site his brother Frantisek and now Vasicek and she is very gentle with the baby. Have some more pictures and I am working on her web page.
Zuzka also added bloodhouds to her family, well her husband loves them. It makes for interesting website, even if it is in Czech. Boglarca Hungarian Pointer web site

Congratulations to Budha!

Toldin congratulates Budha on his Grand Championship!
Budha handled by his owner Judy has achieved Grand Championship title at the UKC shows this weekend. UKC is the club under International Canine Federation that represents most of the world's countries, including Hungary and the Czech Republic:

Int'l BIS Gr. CH Sugár Kökény CGC TD JH

Tula is very proud of her mate.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Fame and Tula Update

Above pictures are Tula, Tula, Fame and Fame

We are getting to the home stretch and Fame and Tula are feeling it. They eat 3 x a day instead of two large meals and snacks in between. They like cottage cheese and liver, Tula likes them raw, Fame likes me to cook them for her. Both love the ground beef and scrambled eggs. We use olive oil and lightly scramble the eggs. They of course get the Canidae no grain salmon with Omega oils and supplements on top of that. Tula has a beautiful coat from all that goodness. I think Fame is going to have more girls, because they are taking a lot out of her coat. She is very cuddly and kissy and lays at my feet a lot.
Fame's web page:
Tula's web page:

We will be posting litter updates on this blog, so please sign up, if you want to follow the puppy updates on line. Expected whelp date for Fame is May 27th, for Tula May 31st. I wonder, if they synchronize like Silken and Kyra? This is such exciting time, waiting for the next generation of Toldins to be born!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Aspen's first show

Toldin's Finding The Dream

(Kyra/Regis puppy born April 26/08)

Thank you to Judy Campbell for training Aspen for the past few week and taking her to a show this past weekend. She did great under Judy's guidance and yesterday, Sunday, she took her class and went Reserve Winner's Bitch. Aspen got very nice comments from judges on both of the show days.
We would like to thank Judy for working with Aspen and showing her off! Thanks to her owner Dr. Dave for parting with her for the training days and the show weekends and to Judy for getting her ready to show. Aspen is owned by Dr. David Williams in Utah. We are looking forward reporting on Aspen in show and field. Our Miss Purple is doing great thank to a caring owner and a great friend.

Congratulations to Maia!

Congratulations to
Maia - Toldin Piroska's Lady in Red SH
(Steel x Fire puppy, Born Feb/2005)

On Saturday, 5-16-09, at the Jackson TN Dog Fanciers Assoc., Inc. Show, Maia rec'd. a First, Winners and BOS, getting another point towards her CH.
Maia is owned by Catharine Belden in TN.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Dexter's New Title

Dexter has finished his Field Dog Junior Title today! He is now
Toldin's Daring To Dream FDJ

Dexter has finished his FDJ in 3 runs with very nice marks by the three experienced judges. Toldin is very proud of Dexter and his owners Billie and Mike are very happy with their boy.

Silken in back home

We have brought our sweetie home tonight. She has some stitches inside of her mouth. Dr. Wilson did a great job and stitched her up without having to put in any steel rods. She came home and ate full large can of yummy special soft chicken and rice and now she is sleeping in her kennel. 
We are back to see Dr. Wilson in 10 days. Instructions say: "No bones!" 
Needless to say, we are very relieved that the injury was not as serious as we thought last night.

Good Luck Dexter!

Dexter is running in a Field Test today at the GSP test in Ontario. He is going for his third leg. We will post an update.  On this picture he is with his two ribbons with great scores on one day, judge Ray Rowan and his owner Billie Velestuk.  

First Blog Post

Hi everyone,
we have started this blog to share information with our friends and family. 
Today, we need you to send good vibes to Silken, she has broken her upper jaw yesterday by a freak accident. She is going to have steel pins inserted today to make sure it will heal correctly. Dr. Wilson is doing the operation at lunch time and we are waiting anxiously for a call from him to tell us how it went. She was at Wilson's overnight and did well according to the staff, she was comfortable and not in pain.  We are to pick her up this afternoon and we will post an update on how she is doing. She is such a sweet, but feisty girl, we are sure she is going heal fast and be back to normal soon.