Friday, May 29, 2009

Puppy Update - Day 3

Good morning on Friday! Here is the latest.
Dr. Nancy came out last night and we did the tails and dewclaws. I think they look great. We measure and measure, but then we look at see what looks the best. They all gained weight again and we now have three of them over a pound, Miss Orange is leading with 1.325 lbs, Miss Red at 1.0 lb. and Mr. Blue who is 1.25 lbs. They will all even out later on, in my experience. We have a line chart, but I can't figure out how to put it up on the blog as a PDF so it has to wait for the Puppies web page that is being worked on. They are eating, sleeping and moving around with amazing speed. Fame is always trying to get them into a bundle, but they do move around the whole whelp box and some of them are really adept at covering the distance using their legs already. They will be walking in no time.

I tried working on their web page last night after Dr. Nancy left, but I laid down with Tula for just a few minutes...... it stretched to all night. Frank took over everything and I woke up at 8 am with Tula and Silken snuggled up against me. I really needed that sleep, I guess after a certain age, all nighters are a no, no. LOL Since we will have to pull more of them this weekend with Tula, we need to catch and get some z's.

Later, some more pictures.

Have a great weekend, it is shaping up wonderful weather wise.


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