Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Fame and Tula Update

Above pictures are Tula, Tula, Fame and Fame

We are getting to the home stretch and Fame and Tula are feeling it. They eat 3 x a day instead of two large meals and snacks in between. They like cottage cheese and liver, Tula likes them raw, Fame likes me to cook them for her. Both love the ground beef and scrambled eggs. We use olive oil and lightly scramble the eggs. They of course get the Canidae no grain salmon with Omega oils and supplements on top of that. Tula has a beautiful coat from all that goodness. I think Fame is going to have more girls, because they are taking a lot out of her coat. She is very cuddly and kissy and lays at my feet a lot.
Fame's web page:
Tula's web page:

We will be posting litter updates on this blog, so please sign up, if you want to follow the puppy updates on line. Expected whelp date for Fame is May 27th, for Tula May 31st. I wonder, if they synchronize like Silken and Kyra? This is such exciting time, waiting for the next generation of Toldins to be born!

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