Saturday, May 30, 2009

Tula / Budha Down to the wire!

We are now on alert for Tula / Budha pups!

Tula's picture about 15 minutes ago.

Tula's temperature went down at 9 am this morning to 98.3 F from her normal temp. of 99.9 so we are starting our watch. She is restless and is trying to make a den out of our bed, she is panting a bit at times and sticking to me like glue (aside from trashing the bed, she did that on her own -:) Usually, the whelping starts about 12 - 24 hours from the temp. drop, so we are waiting. She ate in the morning and had a small snack at noon. I think later on tonight we maybe blessed with puppies. Here is the picture of her sitting by the dinning room table. Frank also snapped one picture of Nancy and me from tails night and as you can see, we do not look happy at all, but the tails are nice and you don't want to deal with torn dewclaw, believe me, so they are necessary to do.

I will post any news, just thought I would let you know to be on alert for updates.

Tails and dewclaws on Fame/Nelson pups by Dr. Nancy on Thursday night.

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