Thursday, May 28, 2009

Puppy Pictures are up - Day 2

Since I am sitting here at 3 am, I may as well be doing something useful. We have taken loads of pictures of puppies today at weigh time (they all gained 2+ oz. and two of them are over a pound now, Mr. Blue and Miss Orange (in picture lt. green or lime). I am doing a chart to put on the website to track their weights. Here is the link to smugmug to view the Day 2 album, click here.
Please let me know, if smugmug is too slow, I can also start posting our albums to Picasa. You can download that software it is very good to work with.
I hope that you also enjoyed reading the horoscopes. How cool is that? Well, off to bed for an hour, take care... Can't wait to get my revenge on all you sleepy heads, after you bring the puppy home... at night in the crate..... hey, it's not that bad... LOL

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