Monday, May 25, 2009

Toldinka 4th in Spring Field Tests! Czech Republic

Congratulations to Toldinka!
(Toldinka after the test. She is posing with her hunting friends. Pointers, eh? Cool Vizsla!)

Zuzka Sedlakova called from the Czech Republic that Toldinka has iced her Spring Field Test (jarni zkousky) . She finished 4th from 12 pointing dog entry. Zuzka said that Toldinka is awesome on retrieve, she retrieves without fail and brings birds, hares (huge rabbits), fox and ducks. After she does the Fall Tests (pozdimni zkousky) and if she qualifies, she will be approved for breeding. She is going to have all her heath checks, of course as well. The Breeder committee has to approved dog for breeding in the Czech republic. (Food for thought!) Zuzka says she has matured really well and she is expecting to finish her European show championships, in spite of her cropped tail. (Note: I can't believe that judges would fault a dog for cosmetic alteration which has nothing to do with structure and movement, but they do.) All dogs in the shows in Europe have their natural tail.

We are so proud of this Kyra and Regis daughter. Her brother Hunor and younger sister Csilla are very proud of her.

We have so many picture of her brother Hunor with the same under lip, it is so funny how the sibblings not only look alike, but have same habbits. Congratulations to Zuzka on the birth of her son Vaclav (Vasicek) named after former President and writer, Vaclav Havel (maybe not), he is such a sweet baby. Toldinka likes to baby site his brother Frantisek and now Vasicek and she is very gentle with the baby. Have some more pictures and I am working on her web page.
Zuzka also added bloodhouds to her family, well her husband loves them. It makes for interesting website, even if it is in Czech. Boglarca Hungarian Pointer web site

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