Saturday, May 16, 2009

First Blog Post

Hi everyone,
we have started this blog to share information with our friends and family. 
Today, we need you to send good vibes to Silken, she has broken her upper jaw yesterday by a freak accident. She is going to have steel pins inserted today to make sure it will heal correctly. Dr. Wilson is doing the operation at lunch time and we are waiting anxiously for a call from him to tell us how it went. She was at Wilson's overnight and did well according to the staff, she was comfortable and not in pain.  We are to pick her up this afternoon and we will post an update on how she is doing. She is such a sweet, but feisty girl, we are sure she is going heal fast and be back to normal soon.

1 comment:

  1. OMG, please give an update as soon as you have one. ALl of us here have fingers and paws crossed for a speedy recovery.

